wizardwoes, the blog, started as half a joke.

a combination of a need for a new project and nothing new to say. so i decided to reproduce Derrida’s (and Hegel and Genet) Glas/Clang, or atleast pages of it.

this was before I had read Marczewska’s This is Not a Copy.

method of reproduction:

  • manual typing
  • copy and pasting from a pdf (still required quite a bit of clean up)

eventually I decided to stop reproducing the content of Glas/Clang but continue with the form every inset required manual tweaking, every italics manual, everything manual manual. Derrida decided there was some value in placing Hegel and Genet next to each other, why not continue with other writers and other sources? i had spent too much time getting the blog set up to throw it out

wizardwoes, the game, started as half a joke.

A combination of a need for a new project and nothing new to say. I decided to reproduce wizardwoes, the blog, or atleast pages of it.

This was after I had read Marczewska’s This is Not a Copy.

Method of reproduction:

A webpage and a scene are both trees so whats the worst that could happen? You just walk one tree and create another.

A fool’s errand, but mostly bogged down by standard project decision making. Where should X go? Which part is responsible for Y? At what point in the process do I know information Z?

QA - there has got to be an easier way of checking every page is vaguely correct.

Attempting to do styling at the same time we generate Nodes is probably making it harder than it should be. Parsing @media selectors could be easier too.

All of these are solvable problems, it just depends on how much time I want to devote to them versus reading or writing.

Eventually I decided to stop reproducing the content of wizardwoes, the blog.