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These Are the Parts They Gave You
Your parents didn't know
what kind of person you would be
so they did their best
when picking
your parts Your parents didn't know
what kind of person you would be
so they did their best
when picking [[your parts]]
<<set $parts_descriptors = ["strong", "quick", "wild", "empathetic", "wise", "based", "rigorous", "transcendental", "cute", "graceful", "lanky", "moonlit", "considerate", "caring", "daring", "plentiful", "gnarly", "sick", "ephemeral", "boring", "regular", "cantankerous", "spritely", "feverish", "foggy", "sun-drenched", "ergonomic", "dandy", "romantic", "rowdy"] >>
<<set $left_arm = Array.random($parts_descriptors)>>
<<set $right_arm = Array.random($parts_descriptors)>>
<<set $left_leg = Array.random($parts_descriptors)>>
<<set $right_leg = Array.random($parts_descriptors)>>
these are the body parts your parents gave you:
a <<print $left_arm >> left arm
a <<print $right_arm >> right arm
a <<print $left_leg >> left leg
a <<print $right_leg >> right leg
[[onwards->a passage]]
You consider yourself pretty lucky
your parents are (seemingly) fine
with you replacing
the parts they gave you
Some of your friends' parents
aren't as cool with part swapping
Some of them hold
[[very strong opinions->Scene 1]]
<<display "FOOTER">>You were jealous of those kids
who had parents that would
let them swap before
[[the usual age]]
It was very fashionable in school
(you never considered yourself fashionable)
[[try to be comfortable]]
with the body parts
you have now"
your parents would say
<<display "FOOTER">>Pundits have always
argued about
what age is
too young
for a person to decide to [[swap parts->Scene 2]].
<<display "FOOTER">>When you were older
(but not as old as you are now)
Your reasons for wanting to swap
body parts
No longer concerned about being
There seemed to be an increase
in the moments where you just felt
in the parts your parents gave you.
<<display "FOOTER">>You felt...
(even now you struggle to express it)
some combination of all of these feelings
none of these [[feelings->Scene 3]]?
<<display "FOOTER">>
<<set $part_to_swap = Array.random(["left arm", "right arm", "left leg", "right leg"]) >>
<<set $stranger_desc = Array.random($parts_descriptors)>>
<<set $temp_desc = "" >>
<<if $part_to_swap eq "left arm">>
<<set $temp_desc = $left_arm>>
<<elseif $part_to_swap eq "right arm">>
<<set $temp_desc = $right_arm>>
<<elseif $part_to_swap eq "left leg">>
<<set $temp_desc = $left_leg>>
<<set $temp_desc = $right_leg>>
<</if>>Most people your age are okay with swapping [[a lot->alot]]
(swapping only a [[few times]] is pretty cool too)
A stranger
who you might describe as
<<print Array.random($parts_descriptors) >>
approaches you
"Wow your <<print $temp_desc + " " + $part_to_swap>> is so cool...
Can I try it on?"
You note their <<print $stranger_desc + " " + $part_to_swap>>
[[yes->Swap Room]]
[[no->don't swap]]
<<display "FOOTER">>
There haven't been any
related to part swapping
in centuries
So swapping is
a relatively safe
Everyone has their own reasons for swapping:
"I like how it looks"
"They offered me a lot of money"
"It didn't feel right"
"I wanted to be a better [[game developer->Scene 3]]"
<<display "FOOTER">>Sometimes you find that part that just
'clicks' and everything feels right
Some people say they feel that
way about all of their body
You suspect they're lying
but you admit that sort of feeling
<i>would</i> be [[nice->Scene 3]]
<<display "FOOTER">>You had been
steady swap partners with them
for a while [[now]]
<<display "FOOTER">>
<<set $temp_desc2 = $stranger_desc >>
<<if $part_to_swap eq "left arm">>
<<set $left_arm = $stranger_desc>>
<<elseif $part_to_swap eq "right arm">>
<<set $right_arm = $stranger_desc>>
<<elseif $part_to_swap eq "left leg">>
<<set $left_leg = $stranger_desc>>
<<set $right_leg = $stranger_desc>>
I'm sorry
it's just your <<print $temp_desc + " " + $part_to_swap>>
feels more comfortable
[[than we ever did->now]]
<<display "FOOTER">>The stranger's <<print $temp_desc_2 + " " + $part_to_swap>>
"Wow this feels
the serene look on their face
tells you they aren't lying
"Wanna swap
for <i>keeps</i>?" they ask
[[yes->swap for keeps]]
[[no->don't swap for keeps]]
<<display "FOOTER">><i>these are your body parts:
a <<print $left_arm >> left arm
a <<print $right_arm >> right arm
a <<print $left_leg >> left leg
a <<print $right_leg >> right leg
</i>You saved up enough money
to buy your first body part
You take a while to consider
what part you will replace:
your [[left arm]]
your [[right arm]]
your [[left leg]]
your [[right leg]]
<<display "FOOTER">><<set $purchase = Array.random($parts_descriptors)>>
<<set $part to "left arm">>
You see a <<print $purchase>> left arm
is this what you want?
[[yes->buy part]]
[[no->left arm]]
<<display "FOOTER">><<set $purchase = Array.random($parts_descriptors)>>
<<set $part to "right arm">>
You see a <<print $purchase>> right arm
is this what you want?
[[yes->buy part]]
[[no->right arm]]
<<display "FOOTER">><<set $purchase = Array.random($parts_descriptors)>>
<<set $part to "left leg">>
You see a <<print $purchase>> left leg
is this what you want?
[[yes->buy part]]
[[no->left leg]]
<<display "FOOTER">>
<<set $purchase = Array.random($parts_descriptors)>>
<<set $part to "right leg">>
You see a <<print $purchase>> right leg
is this what you want?
[[yes->buy part]]
[[no->right leg]]
<<display "FOOTER">>For reasons only you know
you decide not to buy a new
body part
[[Nifty->Scene 2]]
<<display "FOOTER">><<if $part eq "left arm">>
<<set $left_arm = $purchase>>
<<elseif $part eq "right arm">>
<<set $right_arm = $purchase>>
<<elseif $part eq "left leg">>
<<set $left_leg = $purchase>>
<<set $right_leg = $purchase>>
You try on the new <<print $purchase + " " + $part>>.
[[Nifty->Scene 2]]You're constantly reminding yourself
that your parents did their best
picking your parts
with very little knowledge about
[[what you would be->uncomfortable]].
<<display "FOOTER">>"Why can't I just be comfortable?"
Was the question you asked yourself
growing up
and try not to ask yourself
now that you're supposed to be a
<<display "FOOTER">>Though you don't remember anyone ever explicitly saying anything
you got the feeling that
certain parts
were for
certain people
You got these feelings from your
"Am I allowed to want <i>those</i> [[parts->uncomfortable]]?"
<<display "FOOTER">>They thank you
They seem very
[[delighted->Scene 5]]
<<display "FOOTER">>"Aw okay"
they seem disappointed
To your relief
they don't [[push the issue->Scene 5]]
<<display "FOOTER">>
<<if $part eq "left arm">>
<<set $left_arm = $stranger_desc>>
<<elseif $part eq "right arm">>
<<set $right_arm = $stranger_desc>>
<<elseif $part eq "left leg">>
<<set $left_leg = $stranger_desc>>
<<set $right_leg = $stranger_desc>>
<</if>>You had a dream once
(maybe a nightmare)
Where your body felt so
overwhelmingly wrong
That you let your
body fall apart
and never before
had you felt
such satisfaction
You never told
about this [[dream]]
<<display "FOOTER">>
<<set $part_to_swap = Array.random(["left arm", "right arm", "left leg", "right leg"]) >>
<<set $stranger_desc = Array.random($parts_descriptors)>>
<<set $temp_desc = "" >>
<<if $part_to_swap eq "left arm">>
<<set $temp_desc = $left_arm>>
<<elseif $part_to_swap eq "right arm">>
<<set $temp_desc = $right_arm>>
<<elseif $part_to_swap eq "left leg">>
<<set $temp_desc = $left_leg>>
<<set $temp_desc = $right_leg>>
After that dream
you would find yourself
idly imagining
what it would feel like
to let your
body [[fall apart]]
<<display "FOOTER">>Standing there
you touch their <<print $stranger_desc + " " + $part_to_swap>>
now your <<print $stranger_desc + " " + $part_to_swap>>
you wish you could
change your feelings
as easily as you
change your body parts
<<display "FOOTER">>Swapping body parts in public
is kinda
The stranger motions
to a nearby alley
but it seems
Instead they pay the deposit for
a changing room
The two of you cram in there
and you [[shut the door->yes]]
<<set $temp_desc_2 = $stranger_desc >>
<<if $part_to_swap eq "left arm">>
<<set $left_arm = $stranger_desc>>
<<elseif $part_to_swap eq "right arm">>
<<set $right_arm = $stranger_desc>>
<<elseif $part_to_swap eq "left leg">>
<<set $left_leg = $stranger_desc>>
<<set $right_leg = $stranger_desc>>
<<set $stranger_desc to $temp_desc>>
<<display "FOOTER">>You got home from work one day
to find a note taped to the door
where you two lived
You didn't [[read the note]] until after
you opened the door
you turned on the lights
you noticed that all of their stuff
was missing from the living room
Everything except their <<print $stranger_desc + " " + $part_to_swap>>
you two swapped this morning before
you left for [[work]]
<<display "FOOTER">>
Falling apart meant
you would have to
rely on someone else
to put you back together
Someone like that
would have to be
pretty special
for you to
[[trust them->Scene 4]]
<<display "FOOTER">>
"Aw okay"
they seem disappointed
To your relief
they don't [[push the issue->Scene 5]]
<<display "FOOTER">>