ghosts are just.
Could a depressed person make something like this?
Written, filmed, and edited entirely at my workplace during my time as a datacentre technician. Background sounds were stolen from youtube videos.
Same technical constraints as last time.
If please. wait. is concerned with how weird the situation is, ghosts are just. is not.
Cavernous and dark.
I knew what little audience please. wait. had attracted would not want to sit through another 3 minutes of datacentre footage. Even I didn’t want to sit through another 3 minutes of datacentre footage.
Walkthroughs continued. I am pretty sure I had stop turning the lights on altogether.
This one has a “story-within-a-story” form. Not sure how successfully that was conveyed.
The narrator was the same? Was there a third movie in this series planned?
Overall, I would give this film 5 bags of popcorn.